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Orchestrator (RC) CodePlex Integration Packs Updated!

Hello Readers/Viewers!

I know, I know, it has been quite some time since I made a "real" update to my blog, you know, something with actual content. :)

After a couple days of upgrading, testing, renaming, testing some more, recompiling, documentation updating, and finally more testing the following (previously published) Integration Packs are now compatible with the Orchestrator RC and available on the new Orchestrator CodePlex Site:

The OIS 6.3 Content still exists on the Opalis CodePlex Site, I simply upgraded/transferred my IPs and IP objects.

The following "Kits" (and document) may still be used/referenced for Orchestrator (some will require modification after import):

I have made updates to all the original Blog D’Joy Posts announcing the old OIS 6.3 versions of these Integration Packs. Those old posts can be seen here:
