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Call to action: If your using RMA (Rights Management Add-On for I.E.), I want to know.

Hello everyone,

How many people have heard the saying 'There is no such thing as a free lunch'? Well it's true. Time for you all to pay for your free lunch (the time I spend writing these posts to help people get the most out of RMS. OK, I didn't say it was a good lunch...just a free one. :)). 

I'm posting this in an effort to get a bigger picture on how many people are using the Rights Management Add-on for I.E. This is essentially the plug-in for I.E. that allows you to read RMS protected content, via OWA. It also allows people with versions of Office earlier that Office 2003, to consume RMS protected content.

If you are using this component please let me know. If you are an administrator, please let me know how many of your users are using it.

This can be a rough guesstimate. an added bonus, please tell me what applications that are not currently RMS aware, you would like to see become RMS aware. Feel free to also tell me if you hate me, and my blogs. I thrive on rejection. :)

I ask for these surveys to get a better idea about how we can make RMS better. Our developers actually take this information, and start doing the work, and evaluating the most common 'asks' for things, so that they can start building this into the product.

Is there a better way to make a product better, than to ask the people using it (or not using it) in the 'real world' to give feedback? I don't think so. :) All the marketing people in the world, with their shiny hair and teeth, and powerpoint slide shows, and research of the meaning of life in relation to RMS is no substitute for the 'troops' (that's you), giving direct feedback (that I make sure gets delivered and discussed) on how we can make things better for you. Can I get an AMEN!!

Thanks in advance for your responses. If I get no responses, I'll just assume that, no-one uses RMA, and our product is the best product ever made, and that you are all so completely satisfied with RMS, that adding anything to it would take away from it's awsomeness...if that is a word.

No. This isn't like a presidential election. Your vote actually counts here. :)
