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No Jet Class at Reno in 2006

Well I must say I'm disappointed... There won't be jet class racing at Reno in 2006. Here is the article where I learned about it. The L-39 is such a pretty aircraft and fast too. However they are awefully quiet going around the course.

If you ever get a chance to stand next to one doing a full power runup you won't think it's quiet! One of my neighbors was a part owner in a beautiful L-39 and I really should have gotten a ride in it. Like many rides, it just never happened. I did get to sit in it and take a lot of pictures. The owner said they fly really well and are really well designed and sophisticated aircraft.

The Rocket Racing League should be pretty cool as a replacement for the Jet Class though. I personally have some concerns about their plan to limit participation to those that can afford the $1 million annual entry fee and the short run times of the engines, but I hope they prove my concerns invalid.

I don't know how many of you have tried Props Air Racing in Flight Simulator, but it sounds pretty cool. With all the Flight Simulator X work going on I haven't had time at all but I'd like to give it a shot. To be completely honest I haven't touched FS 2004 for over a year as I'm always playing Flight Simulator X. I use a Dell XPS Gen 2 laptop so I can work in the office or at home and still have awesome performance. I guess you could say I'm spoiled. I would say I'm productive :)