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Testemunhos sobre o anuncio da semana passada sobre interoperabilidade

Com o anúncio da semana passada sobre uma maior abertura da Microsoft e uma melhoria dos cenários de interoperabilidade as reacções foram as mais diversas. Recebi uma lista dessas reacções das quais destaco as seguintes:

  • Phil Dawson, research vice president at analyst Gartner;  "This is a great step forward and other vendors will have to consider what they do." (...)It will, he said, "help decouple proprietary standards in the data centre and this will give savings." As a result, "integration and services will be easier," he added. (ComputerWorld UK: )
  • Jim Zemlin, Linux Foundation executive director: "The world of software development has been marching in a steady direction toward being open and transparent. As Linux's use continues to rise, so does the demand for customers to enable it to interoperate with Microsoft products. This announcement by Microsoft seems to indicate they want to participate in that march. Even if some of the announced details still seem less than ideal for open source developers, at least it's a first step." (CNET:
  • Jeremy Allison, Samba: "It's definitely a positive step..Doesn't mean any change for us (Samba) as we already had all these docs, and the promise not to sue is only for 'non-commercial' open source, which is a bit meaningless. But that's the same thing we had really (they're listing the patents etc.). At least everyone now gets access to the same info, which I'm very happy about. As for the rest, the devil is in the details. If they can follow through with this, the world will be a better place." (The Register: )
  • Miguel de Icaza,: "As a chess move, it is a fascinating one...On the surface it looks very good. (There are) lots of things that we want to interoperate with--Office, SQL Server, SharePoint. Getting the documentation to everyone sounds great, and it seems like they are serious about doing more interoperability work...When the full list for patents becomes available, the question is what will open-source vendors do if they find pieces that have historically infringed: will they choose to license and be the recipients of the community wrath, or will they hold their grounds and risk a lawsuit?"   (CNET: )

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