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Network Monitor 3.0 has released!!

After many months of hard work we are proud to announce the Release to Web of Microsoft Network Monitor 3.0 (NM3). The final version is available from Microsoft Connects site ( The Connects site does require you have a passport account, but this is also free.

What you get for your money

Well since it's free, I suppose you get infinite value. But in nut shell here are some of the key features of NM3.

  • A completely new user interface
  • Real time capture and display of frames
  • Simultaneous capture on multiple network adapters
  • Multiple simultaneous capture sessions
  • Network conversations and a tree view displaying frames by conversation
  • A new script-based protocol parser language, and script-based parsers
  • Support for Vista/Windows XP/Windows Server 2003
  • Support for 32bit and 64bit platforms

Done but not finished

While work on the 3.0 release has completed, we have already started work on the next version. There are plenty of improvements and new features that we want to provide moving forwards. We have grand ideas for the future, but had to stop somewhere. And the best thing is that you won't have to wait years for the next version. Our current plan is to release the next version in 6-8 months, though don't hold me to that. I'm sure you know how schedules work, and how hard it is to predict the future.

How Do I Report Problems or Suggest Improvements?

The Connect site has link on the side bar that says Feedback. This is where you would go to provide us with bug reports or suggest ideas that you think would improve our product. We will personally look at your bug report, and if necessary ask for more information. So remember to check back in case we need more information.

How do I get unconfused?

The Connect site also has a Newsgroup link on the sidebar. Once you set your newsgroup password you will be able to join our newsgroup and ask questions in one of the four categories (capturing, filtering, general, npl). Just pick the most appropriate section and ask away. Hopefully somebody on our team or another helpful individual will be able to resolve your issue.

Download and Enjoy

Once you sign in to the Connects site and participate in our product, you'll get to download Network Monitor 3.0 for free. And please let us know what you think by participating in surveys and providing us feedback on the Connects site.