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Troubleshooting the User State Migration Tool 4.0

I gave a presentation today at the TechEd New Zealand conference on “Customizing the User State Migration Tool 4.0” – something I’ve talked with customers about back from my consulting days (way back when, probably with USMT 2.6 at that point – remember that one and its INF-style configuration files?), but haven’t presented in public for a very long time.  Needless to say, it was somewhat nerve-wracking.  For those in attendance, I hope it was worth your time.  (I thought it was only OK.  I’ll do better the next time.)

The next few blog postings will likely be related to USMT 4.0 – it’s always good to write about things that are freshly in your mind.

First off, I wanted to take the opportunity to pass along some of the troubleshooting items that I mentioned in the slide deck, consolidating various issues that you might run into while using USMT 4.0.  Here they are:

Any other good troubleshooting tips for USMT 4.0?