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I suppose technically this would be a meme

While shopping for trains for a gift for my son (I think we've settled on this one - what do you think, isn't it nice?), I was bored enough that I started wondering what nuggets had hidden behind its random letters and whether or not this form of spelunking could teach me anything about myself.

So I decided to find out, using the incredibly scientific method of my ATM PIN number... just kidding. My initials and those of my immediate family members:

  • Me: Prentice Hall literature page. Somewhat appropriate, I was a total bookworm in high school and have recently picked that up again while on maternity leave.
  • My husband: An ADSL router. Incredibly appropriate for the total geek to whom I am married.
  • My toddler: (updated link here): The purpose of the article is not immediately obvious given the title ("retardant sprays at station again"). Upon closer inspection, it's about a failed fire suppressant system. My little boy adores fire trucks. This is giving me the shivers.
  • My five week old: Cool animations & other things. Great to distract a crying baby. Again, a perfect link.

And appropriately enough, my maiden name ( resolves to a domain that no longer exists.

There you have it: the Tinyurl Personality Test (I like to call it the TPT).