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Check to see if the TPM is enabled

Hey Everyone!

I recently worked on a project where we were enabling the TPM chip prior to enabling Bitlocker through the task sequence.  One thing that we wanted to do was to check to see if the TPM was already enabled and activated prior to running the BIOS configuration tool to enable the TPM.  The built in MDT script (ztibde.wsf) does this check however it will fail the script and generate an error and exit the task sequence if the TPM is not already enabled so I decided to modify that script slightly and use the new script to set two variables TPMEnabled and TPMActivated so I could use those as conditions on other steps in the task sequence.

The script below should be named ztiCheckforTPM.wsf and placed in the scripts directory on the deployment share.  Just place this script in the task sequence prior to your steps to enable the TPM chip and set a condition that checks for the Task Sequence variables TPMEnabled = FALS and TPMActivated = FALSE  on your steps that enable the TPM in the BIOS.  I plan on posting the steps to enable the TPM for different manufacturer types later but there are some great articles already out there today.  Check out this article for Dell machines.

Enjoy and I hope everyone has a great holiday break!

<job id="ZTIBde">
   <script language="VBScript" src="ZTIUtility.vbs"/>
   <script language="VBScript">

' // ***************************************************************************
' //
' // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
' //
' // Microsoft Deployment Toolkit Solution Accelerator
' //
' // File:      ZTICheckforTPM.wsf
' //
' // Version:   5.1.1642.01
' //
' // Purpose:   Check to see if TPM is enabled and activated
' //
' // Usage:     cscript ZTICheckforTPM.wsf [/debug:true]
' //
' // ***************************************************************************

Option Explicit

'//  Global constants

'//  Main Class

Class ZTICheckforTPM

    '//  Class instance variable declarations
    Public oTpm, oBde, oBdeVol
    Public bTpmActivated, bTpmOwned, bTpmEnabled

    '//  Constructor to initialize needed global objects

    Private Sub Class_Initialize

    End Sub
    '//  Main routine

    Function Main

        Dim iRetVal, iFreeSpace
        Dim sBdeHdTool
        Dim bDriveChange
        Dim sExistingBdeDrive
        Dim sOSDBitLockerWaitForEncryption       
        Dim sBdeInstallSuppress   
        Dim iPartitionCount
        Dim sOsType       
        Dim sSecondPass
        Dim iValidateConnection
        Dim objWMIBDE, colEnVol, objEncVol, ColPS
        DIm strStatusData, sEncryptionProgress, sCDriveEncryptionStatus, strConnectionStr1
        Dim sSystemDrive

        iRetVal = Success
        sSystemDrive = ucase(mid(oEnv("WINDIR"),1, 2))
        iRetVal = TPMValidate()       
        wscript.echo oEnvironment.Item("TPMEnabled")
        wscript.echo oEnvironment.Item("TPMActivated")
        Main = Success

    End Function


    '// END MAIN

    '// TPM Management Functions

    Function GetTpmInstance()
        Dim iRetVal, sConnection
        Dim oTpmWmi, iTpmWmi

        On Error Resume Next

        sConnection = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,authenticationLevel=pktPrivacy}!root\cimv2\Security\MicrosoftTpm"

        Set oTpmWmi = GetObject(sConnection)
        TestAndFail SUCCESS, 6732, "Failed to Connect to MicrosoftTPM provider"

        '// There should either be 0 or 1 instance of the TPM provider class

        Set iTpmWmi = oTpmWmi.InstancesOf("Win32_Tpm")

        If iTpmWmi.Count = 0 Then
            oLogging.CreateEntry "Failed find a TPM instance in the provider class.", LogTypeInfo
            GetTpmInstance = Failure
            EXIT FUNCTION
        End If

        'Get a single instance of the TPM provider class
        Set oTpm = oTpmWmi.Get("Win32_Tpm=@")
        TestAndFail SUCCESS, 6733, "Get a TPM instance in the provider class"

    End Function

    Function TpmValidate ()
        Dim iRetVal, sCmd, sTpmOwnerPassword
        iRetVal = Success

        '// Set oTpm to valid instance

        iRetVal = GetTpmInstance()
        If iRetVal = Failure Then
            TPMValidate = Failure
            oEnvironment.Item("TPMEnabled") = "FALSE"
            oEnvironment.Item("TPMActivated") = "FALSE"
            Exit Function
        End If

        '// Set global booleans for TPM state. Error bubble handled by subs

        iRetVal    = GetTpmEnabled()
        If iRetVal = Failure Then
            TPMValidate = Failure
            oEnvironment.Item("TPMActivated") = "FALSE"
            Exit Function
        End IF

        iRetVal = GetTpmActivated()
        If iRetVal = Failure Then
            TPMValidate = Failure
            oEnvironment.Item("TPMActivated") = "FALSE"
            Exit Function
        End IF

        TpmValidate = Success

    End Function

    Function GetTpmEnabled()
        Dim iRetVal
        iRetVal = Success

        iRetVal = oTpm.IsEnabled(bTpmEnabled)
        If iRetVal = Failure Then
            oLogging.CreateEntry "TPM is not currently enabled", LogTypeInfo
            oEnvironment.Item("TPMEnabled") = "FALSE"
            GetTPMEnabled = Failure
            Exit Function
        End If
        oEnvironment.Item("TPMEnabled") = "TRUE"
        oLogging.CreateEntry "Success TPM Enabled", LogTypeInfo
        GetTpmEnabled = Success

    End Function


    Function GetTpmActivated()
        Dim iRetVal
        iRetVal = Success

        iRetVal = oTpm.IsActivated(bTpmActivated)
        If iRetVal = Failure Then
            oLogging.CreateEntry "TPM is not currently Activated", LogTypeInfo
            oEnvironment.Item("TPMActivated") = "FALSE"
            GetTPMActivated = Failure
            Exit Function
        End If
        oEnvironment.Item("TPMActivated") = "TRUE"
        oLogging.CreateEntry "Success TPM Is Activated", LogTypeInfo
        GetTpmActivated = Success

    End Function

End Class


This post was contributed by Tim Mintner, a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Services - U.S.

Disclaimer: The information on this site is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, confers no rights, and is not supported by the authors or Microsoft Corporation. Use of included script samples are subject to the terms specified in the Terms of Use .