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Confusion Around the Application Analyzer Beta

Posted by Erik Ashby discussing recent comments about the Application Analyzer beta.


Ever since the announcement of the application tools mid January, there have been a number of articles and blogs in the different communities about these tools. As someone who is working on these tools, this was expected, however what was unexpected was the confusion around the Application Analyzer beta. I felt this confusion justified a quick blog.


On Tuesday, January 17 we announced a number of new and updated tools for helping customers move from Lotus Notes/Domino to the Microsoft Collaboration platform. One of those tools we announced was the Microsoft Application Analyzer 2006 for Lotus Domino. We said this tool would be available in the first quarter of 2006. The tool is currently in a private beta with a number of customers, and we are receiving good feedback on it. On that day, we realized we had erroneously posted the link of this private beta on our public site. We’ve removed the link for now. We have several fixes that we are making to the beta and we are still on track to make this tool publicly available later this quarter. I will have more on that coming soon.


Erik Ashby

Lead Program Manager, Microsoft, Redmond